Reader Winners: The $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook

recipesBelow you’ll find the names of the two lucky winners of The $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook.”

If you missed my review, author Erin Chase shares delicious and inexpensive meals all for under $5. Chase also shares her recipes at $5 dollar dinners, a blog she began when she challenged herself to cook more frugally to help her family save money. In the cookbook you’ll learn about strategic grocery shopping, couponing, and meal planning. The cookbook includes 200 recipes of nutritious meals with cost breakdowns and frugal facts.

I asked you to share your’re go-to meal for busy weeknights and this is what the winners are tossing together for dinner when they’re busy.

Amanda goes for quick and easy meals.

I need to learn some quick on the go meals. My quick meals are simple peanut butter & jelly sandwiches with slices fruit for the kids, or instant noodles soups.

Chris921 is a working papa who helps his wife with dinner. Ahh… how sweet!

Being a working dad with a wife who works late my go-to dinner is beef tacos. Prepping tacos if great and my 4 year old daughter loves to help grate the cheese and put the toppings in bowls in preparation for fill the tortillas. She also can make the tacos any way she wants!!!! It’s quick, easy and clean up is a breeze.. Plus they are so tasty!!!

Winners, I hope you enjoy the meals in this cookbook and it helps you build your repertoire. Send me an email with a shipping address so I can send you your copy of “The $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook.”

If you didn’t win, you can buy the cookbook on Amazon for $9.86 or win one of 8 copies that will be given away as door prizes at the festival in LA on June 25. Many thanks to all of you who commented on our lighting book review giveaways. Hope you had as much fun as we did.

One response to “Reader Winners: The $5 Dinner Mom Cookbook

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