
Sponsors – Please email us for sponsor opportunities or if you have questions about this year’s event.

Volunteer – We have a few volunteer spots still available. Email us if you would like to volunteer!

Media – For urgent media requests, please reach us at (310) 734-8843.

8 responses to “Contact

  1. Hi, do kids also require a ticket for this event?

  2. Hello!

    I couldn’t find where to buy tickets on Goldstar. Can you help? 🙂 Thank you!!


  3. Wow – this event was so disorganized. Thank you to Albertsons and the food tasting venues. I hope this was the first year for this event. Otherwise, you would think better planning would have been possible. VIP bags differed. I didn’t get VIA samples in my bag like my friends. Disappointed. But at least tried. Raffles were disorganized too.

    • @MJ Annis We appreciate your feedback and apologize for the long line at the entrance. We did not anticipate people showing up 1.5 hours before the event started at 11am. Next year we plan to have six people staffing the check in, with separate lines for VIPs, Goldstar, and new ticket purchases.

      Please check your swag bag again. We were very careful to put two VIA packets into each VIP bag but many of the actual packets came unstuck from the postcard so it may be floating around your bag.

  4. What happen to this year’s Frugal festival?

  5. Let Jazmin do the festival, she seems that most of this year she has been the bargain babe, not Julia. Let her be the bargain babe she does such an excellent Job!!! I really enjoy her posts.
    Julia: you don’t have time anymore since the birth or even before. Let Jazmin.

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